Work With Me
One-on-One Coaching for Moms
Are you lost in the college information maze? Does what you hear about the competiveness of college admissions and the steep cost of college tuition paralyzes you? Have you ever wished someone would just tell you exactly what you need to know?! This one-on-one coaching is created for the mom who wants personalized guidance about planning, preparing, and paying for her son or daughter’s college education. Guaranteed to put an end to the overwhelming guessing game. LEARN MORE
Parent Education + Training
Do families in your community need help creating a tradition of college attendance in the home? Are they in need of clarification about college criteria and terminology? Do they feel overwhelmed with the infinite number of college planning steps, application logistics, and financial aid details? This parent training will equip parents with the tools for having a family dialogue about planning, preparation, and paying for a college education. Great for community based organizations, PTA events, college counseling information nights, churches, corporations, etc. LEARN MORE